by Winchester College

This summer, ‘CATALYST’ by Winchester College is bringing together the brightest and best sixth form students from around the globe
Founded in 1382, Winchester College continues to be one of the world’s most distinguished schools. The College recently announced the launch of ‘Catalyst’, a two-week immersive digital summer programme taking place 18 - 29 July 2022 for ambitious and curious students entering, or currently in, the sixth form. Catalyst is a novel, selective course for no more than 30 students who want to thrive in a world of rapid change.
The course is built around the topic of ‘change’, helping students to develop the mindset and hard skills needed to understand, analyse, and catalyse change in the world. Catalyst will draw on ‘Div’ - a unique, interdisciplinary course that all Winchester College pupils take, aimed at challenging them to change not only what they know about the world, but how they think.
Catalyst has been developed, and will be delivered by, a dedicated team of Winchester College teachers, together with a panel of experts from fields as diverse as polar ecology, theoretical physics, and the special forces. The course will offer a range of live, interactive lessons, online seminars, roundtable sessions, as well as one-to-one coaching to help students set and realise their own goals.
Students have an opportunity to access the unique teaching practises and resources of one of the world's most distinguished schools in a programme designed to challenge at every step. Students will join a thriving network of ambitious peers from around the world, sharing views and expertise, while connecting with the wider Winchester college network. More than anything, students have a chance to make sense of the world, and collaborate to solve difficult problems, forging academic and professional skills that will last a lifetime.
Fellow at Winchester College and former High Mistress of St Paul’s Girls School, Ms Clarissa Farr says, “We’re delighted to be able to extend our unique form of learning online to a global audience. Never has there been a more important time for students to be able to think and act across disciplines – to adapt and problem solve as the world around them changes. It is exactly these skills that position students to enter, thrive at, and excel after university.”

Early applications received before 18 April 2022 will qualify for discounted fees of £2,200 (which will be £2,700 for applications received on or after 18 April).
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