

India Time Zone UTC+05:30

 Capital City New Delhi

Currency Indian Rupee

National Day  January 12 

His Excellency Mr Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha 
High Commissioner
High Commission for India
India House
London WC2B 4NA
T: +44 (0)20 7836 8484
F: +44 (0)20 7836 4331

Interview to come.

Born: December 2, 1957
Professional experience:
Member of the Indian Foreign Service since 1980.
Sep 2014 – Jan 8, 2016 : Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs
Dec 2013 – Aug 2014 : Special Secretary (Int. Organisations & Pol.), MEA
Aug 2012 – Dec 2013 : Additional Secretary (Int. Organisations & Pol.), MEA
Nov 2008 – Aug 2012 : Ambassador of India to the State of Israel
Oct 2002 – Sept 2008
Official Spokesperson, Ministry of External Affairs.
Sept 1998 – June 2002
Minister/Counsellor, Embassy of India, Washington DC
May 1997 – Aug 1998
Counsellor, Embassy of India, Tehran
Jan 1994 – March 1997
Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India to the UN, Geneva
Apr 1993 – Jan 1994
Deputy Secretary (UN), Ministry of External Affairs.
April 1992 – April 1993
Deputy Chief of Protocol, Ministry of External Affairs.
July 1989 – April 1992
First Secretary, Embassy of India, Thimphu
Oct 1985 – June 1989
Second Secretary/ First Secretary, Embassy of India, Warsaw
Oct 1983 – Sept 1985
Officer on Special Duty(PR), Ministry of External Affairs.
Sept 1982 – Oct 1983
Third Secretary, Embassy of India, Moscow
Sept 1980 – Sept 1982 : Indian Foreign Service Probationer, MEA.

Second Thoughts: On Books, Authors and the Writerly Life – Harper Collins 2015
Indians at Herod’s Gate: A Jerusalem Tale – (Rupa) 2014
“Savage Harvest” – (Trans.) Short Stories (Rupa) 2013
“Winter Evenings” – Short Stories (Rupa Rainlight) 2012
“Zafarnama” (Trans.) – Penguin India (Viking) 2011
“The Exile” – novel, Penguin India (Viking) 2008
“We Weren’t Lovers Like That” – novel, Penguin India, 2003
“The Book of Nanak”, Penguin India, 2003
“Folk Tales of Poland” Sterling, 1991
Regular contributor to the Times Literary Supplement (UK) and several Indian journals

Bachelor of Commerce; Bachelor of Laws, Delhi University
Diploma in Journalism
Speaks English, Hindi, Punjabi; Knowledge of Russian and Polish
Married to Dr. Avina Sarna; one son and one daughter


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