Fiji Time UTC/GMT +12 hours
 Capital City Suva
 Currency Fijian dollar
National Day 10 October
His Excellency, Mr. Jitoko Tikolevu was appointed High Commissioner to the United Kingdom in January 2016.
He was the former Chief Executive Officer of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority (FRCA).
Mr. Tikolevu has served in various Boards and executive committees in Fiji and was the Chairman of the Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) as well as Chairman of the Pacific Islands Tax Administration Association.
Mr. Tikolevu is keen to continue with the great work of his predecessors to further enhance Fiji’s political profile and economic prospects in the UK and the Mission’s countries of accreditation. He will particularly be focusing on increasing trade and investment opportunities and reaching out to potential business and development partners.
Further, connections to International Organisations such as the IMO, ISO, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the UNFCCC are critical to Fiji and would need to be strengthened.