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WITH THE LACK OF NEW Heads of Mission, (there weren’t any to interview this month) one can only assume that they’re all hanging on to their posts for this summer’s exciting events – Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the London 2012 olympics – although there’s no doubt that this leaves london’s embassies with an enormous amount of work to do. aside from these important proceedings, we shouldn’t forget that the biannual farnborough international airshow (fia) is taking place from 9-15 July 2012. although not quite as high profile as these two other events, the fia is the globe’s most iconic aviation event. During the last fia in 2010 US$47 billion worth of orders were announced during the show and 70 delegations attended from 44 countries. one hundred and fifty two aircraft took part in static and flying displays and the public weekend attracted more than 130,000 visitors. With this in mind, Diplomat has put together a comprehensive report on aerospace to coincide with farnborough 2012. contributions include those from former Uk ambassador charles crawford on his times on the fco civil aviation Desk back in the 1980s, and Boeing on the spectacular launch of their super-efficient 787 Dreamliner. fifty-nine customers from six continents of the world have placed orders for 854 aeroplanes valued at over US$175 billion, making it the most successful twin-aisle launch of a new commercial aeroplane in Boeing’s history. the SnP’s political raison d’etre, independence for Scotland, has moved to the very forefront of political debate, and Diplomat offers some thoughts on an independent Scottish air force. following a major aviation conference at hongqiao international airport in Shanghai in april, Diplomat discovers that the private jet industry is buzzing with excitement over the major potential for growth in china. Statistics show that in 10 years, china’s market for private jets will be worth about US$11.68 billion annually, eclipsing the US market by that time.
to ignore what’s going on in europe. accordingly, Diplomat takes a look at the dramatic effects of Greece’s actions on europe and the eurozone. if Greece votes for the new parties rejecting any further cuts in living standards, the country’s eU partners will almost certainly expel Greece from the eurozone. The treaty setting up the eurozone, however, has no provision for a country wanting to leave or being expelled. no one therefore knows how a ‘Grexit,’ as the move is already termed, would work. What is clear is that the logistics are formidable. closer to home, in our regular column ‘Westminster Reflections,’ conservative MP Bernard Jenkin addresses one of the key events in the Parliamentary calendar, the Queen’s Speech. Widely regarded as being under-whelming, it has been criticised for not conveying a sense of urgency about the British economy and safeguarding the Uk in a time of severe international economic turbulence. in the lifestyle section, Diplomat visits Vila Vita Park in Portugal, enjoys a stay in the technically-savvy eccleston Square hotel, lunch at the newly refurbished Royal china and has a suit made at apsley tailors, a firm that has been making the finest bespoke suits since 1889! Diplomat also recommends ways to enjoy the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, outlining the best london has to offer. Readers with a taste for culture will find valuable advice in our book and art reviews, including details of the fabulous new Gold exhibition at Goldsmiths’ hall. Finally, we want to hear from you, our readers, on article suggestions, new appointments, local news, issues and other embassy events that you would like covered. Please contact us on vvk@diplomatmagazine.com