Kids for Kids: Candlelit Christmas Concert

This year’s Kids for Kids Candlelit Christmas Concert will be in person once again onThursday 2nd December at St Peter’s in Eaton Square.Kids for Kids will kick off the Christmas season by welcoming Joanna Lumley OBE, Timothy West CBE and Julian Lloyd-Webber as readers, as well as the Queen’s Gate School Choirs, celebrated international cellist Jiaxin Cheng, and the Thames Fanfare Brass. The evening ends with mince pies and Christmas cheer – what else?!
The concert will support Kids for Kids, the only organisation helping the forgotten children of Darfur living in remote, primitive villages out of sight of the world. This year droughts, fires, floods, and Covid-19 have combined to create untold hardship. Many families cannot feed their children, even now when harvest time in Darfur approaches. Kids for Kids is the only hope for many families to survive.
Concert Start Time: 7.00pm
Book tickets:
Or by Cheque to ‘Kids for Kids’ at PO BOX 456 Dorking RH4 2WS
Please get in touch with any questions:; 0790418741