20 Years of International Diplomatic Supplies

A note from IDS Chief Executive, Patrick Doyle
In the spring of 1997 I resigned from my job and began a journey that has now lasted for 20 years. IDS is my hobby, my baby and thankfully my job. There have been some very difficult times and there have been many many wonderful times and throughout I have been able to rely on the support and friendship of those that I have met along the way, so this e-mail is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your role in keeping this dream alive.
For the first year I worked on my own from a spare bedroom, we now have over 40 employees working in UK and Dubai, others have come and gone along the way, leaving a huge contribution behind, Andrew Bennett, Nic Lewis, Alison Fairall a few that spring to mind. I have had the great pleasure of working with my sister Noeleen for the past 12 years, the IDS team are dedicated, hard- working and extremely capable, I am sure that in your dealings with them they have been unfailingly professional and polite, I am privileged to lead such a team.
When I started IDS, I didn’t have a five year plan, or a ten year plan, I had a vision of how a business should be run, always put the customer first, treat your staff, your suppliers and your customers with respect and work with a smile, behave with integrity, lead by example, I hope that I have managed to do all of this throughout the years. The company now operates in over 40 countries around the World, IDS are probably the most successful diplomatic supply company in the global market yet we strive to be better, we look at every detail of our work and look to improve, by the end of 2017 our bespoke offices and warehouse in Jebel Ali will be built and ready for us to move into.
I have tried to be loyal to those companies that were there at the beginning, giving me credit when I had no history (and I can say this now, no money), Boutinot, Cecil Macdonald (John Sankey provided the initial warehousing even though he faced a very clear conflict of interest at the time), CG Hibbert’s, LCB,  Argos, Richard Place Dobson, your trust and forbearance allowed me to push on through those early months and years, I hope the business that you enjoy now is worthy reward for your faith in me.
In 2005 John Coe invested in the business and IDS was finally able to fulfil its potential, money changes everything! John’s guidance and belief in me have been incredible, as investors go, I can’t imagine that there are many better than Mr Coe.
We have been able to acquire businesses along the way, these opportunities have widened my own experience, when we took over ID in Holland I found working with Frans Reesink was a great lesson, in his late 60’s he left our young sales team gasping for breath as they chased him around in temperatures of 40 degrees plus in Africa and The Middle East. Some investments have failed, but John has always supported my next move. I’m grateful.
Most of those young professionals who work for IDS will see me as the Chief Executive of their exciting, successful company, I know where I came from, leaving school at 16, the son of a London Transport bus conductor, an Irish immigrant, standing on the terraces at Crystal Palace, I didn’t know that I was going to get this life and I thank God every day for what I have. This e-mail is a chance to thank you, IDS wouldn’t be here without your support and hard work in your dealings with us. Bring on the next 20 years.